Meeting your spirit guides and angels ~ guided imagery meditation


This meditation helps you meet your Spirit Guides and Angels. We all have these spiritual beings with us throughout our lives. Angels are assigned to us to protect, heal, and teach us. Spirit Guides are assigned to guide us on our life journeys. Some stay with us for a long time, while others are only here briefly. These souls may not have been with us in our current life, but they may have been part of our past lives. They teach us how to heal, love, be creative, and enjoy life. Each guide has their own expertise and helps us in their own way. It doesn't matter what path you're on, everyone is born with guides. The important thing is that they guide you on your own path. During this meditation, you can ask your Spirit Guides and Angels for advice on your current life situations. They will let you know why they are with you and give you their names. You'll also learn how to contact them and sense their presence. Connecting with our guides, higher self, and angels creates a special bond that is unique to each individual. Everyone has Spirit guides and angels with them. Some stay for a lifetime, others come and go, and new ones may enter depending on our soul's journey and the assistance we need at any given time. The higher self is our own soul and is sometimes referred to as our higher conscience.

Do you ever wonder who is with you, guiding you through life's mysteries? Are you curious about the source of the information you receive, whether it comes to you through telepathy or vivid dreams? If so, allow me to introduce you to a transformative experience - a guided imagery meditation that will transport you into a deep, serene meditative state. Through this meditation, you will have the opportunity to connect with those benevolent beings who are here to assist you on your unique journey.

As you embark on this inner exploration, I encourage you to bring forth a question or a yearning for guidance from these ethereal companions. Within the depths of your meditative state, you will have the chance to pose your query and await the profound insights that await you. Embrace the experience, for it is in this sacred space that you will not only receive answers but also learn how to establish a lasting connection with these celestial guides.

In addition to unveiling the means to communicate with them, this meditation will empower you with the ability to recognize their presence in your everyday life. As the practice unfolds, you will be gently led to visualize and comprehend the form of your higher self, that radiant essence within you that resonates with the divine. Allow your imagination to soar, for this is an opportunity to unlock the wondrous vision of what lies within.

Prepare to embark on a soul-stirring journey. Embrace the unknown, for it is within the depths of uncertainty that profound discoveries reside. Together, let us venture into the realm of higher consciousness and establish a sacred connection with those who stand beside you, waiting to illuminate your path towards enlightenment.

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