Introducing our revolutionary skincare and overall well-being approach: the Carla Mary exclusive rejuvenation method. This cutting-edge technique goes beyond traditional beauty treatments by targeting your skin and mental and emotional health.

Our signature session combines the healing powers of therapeutic massage, acupressure, and the exquisite essence of essential oils. Through the skilled application of acupressure and a soothing massage, this method focuses on opening the meridians that vitalize your face, head, shoulders, and various other parts of your body.

What sets this method apart is its unique ability to detoxify and regenerate your skin while simultaneously providing mental and emotional rejuvenation. By stimulating the meridians, this process promotes energy flow, unleashing your body's natural capacity for healing and restoration.

As tension melts away from your facial muscles and stress dissolves, you'll experience a profound sense of grounding and balance. Our therapists are trained to target specific acupressure points, helping to release blocked energy and allowing your entire being to realign.

The power of essential oils further enhances this rejuvenating experience. Chosen for their therapeutic properties, these oils penetrate deeply into your skin, providing nourishment and accelerating the rejuvenation process. Their exquisite scents awaken your senses, transporting you to a state of relaxation and tranquility.

At Carla Mary, we believe that true beauty radiates from within. Our unique method combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques to create a transformative experience that rejuvenates your skin and nourishes your soul. Discover the harmony between physical and emotional well-being as you embark on a journey of self-care and self-discovery.

Unleash the power of the Carla Mary exclusive rejuvenation method, and witness the extraordinary results for yourself. Experience the blissful union of therapeutic massage, acupressure, and essential oils as they work synergistically to unlock your body's potential for rejuvenation, detoxification, and profound transformation.

  • Increasing the flow of oxygen and blood to the facial area, neck, and shoulders

  • Toning, tightening the skin and fascia

  • Lymphatic drainage and detoxification of skin and organ system ·

  • Better mental alertness, focus, and relaxation for the client ·

  • Emotional cleansing through ear acupressure and essential oils ·

  • Preventive maintenance for aging and skin blemishes ·

  • Relief from headaches, TMJ, sinusitis, and emotional balancing.


 Session length time is 60 min or 90-minute sessions