Pregnancy Massage

The Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage has long been recognized for its ability to promote overall well-being, alleviate stress, and ease muscle tension. However, pregnant women have often faced mixed opinions from the health community when it comes to the safety and purpose of receiving massage therapy during pregnancy. Fortunately, recent research is shedding light on the benefits of prenatal massage therapy, revealing its instrumental role in women's prenatal care.

One of the remarkable aspects of prenatal massage therapy is that it can be initiated at any stage of pregnancy, whether it is the first, second, or third trimester. However, as with any therapeutic approach to pregnancy wellness, it is essential for women to discuss massage therapy with their prenatal care provider for guidance and approval.

Among the various methods of massage, Swedish Massage has emerged as the recommended technique for pregnant women. This approach effectively targets the common discomforts caused by the skeletal and circulatory changes that occur due to hormonal shifts during pregnancy. By addressing these challenges, Swedish Massage has proven to be especially beneficial for expectant mothers.

Prenatal massage therapy offers numerous advantages that enhance physical comfort during pregnancy. Firstly, it improves circulation, allowing for a better distribution of nutrients and oxygen to both the mother and the developing fetus. This enhanced circulation not only supports the overall health of both individuals but also promotes relaxation within the womb.

In addition to improved circulation, prenatal massage therapy involves stretching the muscles and joints to maximize their range of motion. This stretching helps alleviate tightness and tension, while simultaneously enhancing the elasticity of the skin and toning the body. Consequently, regular prenatal massage has been shown to promote a greater sense of ease in pregnant women, contributing to their overall well-being.

Studies have further demonstrated that prenatal massage therapy provides psychological benefits, not just physical ones. Pregnant women who receive regular massages experience increased relaxation, which can have a positive impact not only on their own mental state but also on the developing fetus. The soothing effects of prenatal massage create a serene environment within the womb, promoting a sense of calmness for both mother and baby.

In conclusion, prenatal massage therapy should be given careful consideration as part of women's prenatal care. Its ability to address pregnancy-related discomforts, improve circulation, enhance body tone, and promote relaxation can greatly contribute to the well-being of pregnant women and their developing babies. As research continues to support the safety and efficacy of prenatal massage, healthcare providers should recognize and embrace its valuable role in supporting the health and comfort of expectant mothers.

Pre and Post Natal Massage: Providing Relief and Support

Pre and postnatal massage therapy offers a multitude of benefits for expectant and new mothers. The holistic practice not only alleviates physical discomfort but also addresses the emotional and hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy. By targeting specific areas prone to tension and strain, this gentle yet effective therapy can make a significant difference in a woman's well-being during these transformative stages.

One notable benefit of pre and postnatal massage is its ability to alleviate anxiety. Pregnancy can be an overwhelming time, filled with both excitement and apprehension. The soothing touch of a skilled therapist can help calm the mind, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. As a result, the body can better cope with the challenges it faces, allowing the expectant mother to find tranquility amidst the unique pressures of pregnancy.

Additionally, massage therapy during pregnancy can address physical discomforts such as muscle soreness, tension, and fatigue. The body undergoes tremendous changes during this time, often leading to discomfort and pain. Conditions like sciatic and lower back pain can be effectively managed through targeted massage techniques, providing relief from these common ailments. By reducing muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain, the therapy enhances the overall comfort of the expectant mother.

Another major benefit of pre and postnatal massage is its impact on circulation and edema. Improved blood and lymph circulation foster better oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles, aiding in the reduction of swelling, or edema. By mitigating fluid retention through gentle manipulations, the therapy helps alleviate discomfort and promotes a healthier flow of bodily fluids, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.

Moreover, pre and postnatal massage plays a crucial role in supporting the physical and emotional strains of motherhood. By enhancing the pliability of skin and underlying tissues, the therapy eases discomfort and provides valuable support to new mothers. The nurturing touch not only nurtures the body but also uplifts the spirit, contributing to a positive emotional state.

Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effects of prenatal massage on mood. Since hormonal changes can trigger overwhelming emotions, massage therapy has been found to increase levels of "feel-good" hormones such as serotonin and dopamine while reducing the stress hormone cortical. The result is an overall improvement in mood, allowing expectant and new mothers to navigate the journey of motherhood with increased positivity and resilience.

When it comes to the logistics of the massage session itself, it is important for mothers to feel comfortable. The most common position during pregnancy massage is side-lying, which ensures both comfort and safety for the baby. Specially designed body pillows, wedge pillows, and extra padding are utilized to support the body and allow easy access to the back and hips for focused relief.
Regarding clothing, the level of coverage is entirely up to the individual's preferences. Some may choose to remove all clothing, while others opt to wear underwear or a bra and underwear. Whatever one chooses, it is important to note that the therapist ensures modesty and privacy at all times, with the client always being covered by sheets.

In conclusion, pre and postnatal massage therapy offers a wide range of benefits for expectant and new mothers. From reducing physical discomfort to easing emotional strains, massage promotes relaxation, relieves muscle tension, improves circulation, and enhances overall well-being. By addressing the unique challenges faced during this transformative period, prenatal massage provides valuable support and nurturance, helping expectant and new mothers embark on their journey of motherhood with greater ease and comfort.

Carla Mary: Your Trusted Guide to Relaxation
~Unwind, Rejuvenate, and Embrace Well-being~
A Gentle Touch for Deep Comfort

At Carla Mary, we understand that each client's needs and preferences are unique. That's why we offer a wide range of massage techniques tailored to provide the utmost relaxation and well-being. Among these techniques, we offer the option of a very light pressure massage on the abdomen, catering to those who find comfort in gentle touch.

The abdomen is a sensitive area that can hold tension and stress. While some individuals may find relief in having this area massaged, we recognize that it's a personal preference. We empower our clients to make informed choices about their massage experience, and we respect their comfort levels and boundaries.

For those who opt for a gentle abdomen massage, our skilled therapists employ specialized techniques that utilize the lightest touch. The intention is to induce a deep sense of relaxation and promote circulation in the abdominal area, easing any discomfort or tension that may reside there.

Prior to the massage session, our therapists will engage in an open and compassionate dialogue with the client, ensuring that their preferences and comfort are prioritized. Whether a client wishes to include the abdomen in their massage or not, we encourage open communication so that we can create the most tranquil and personalized experience possible.

At Carla Mary, your comfort, well-being, and satisfaction are our highest priorities. We are dedicated to providing a soothing environment where you can fully unwind and embrace deep relaxation. Our team of skilled therapists is committed to creating a personalized massage experience that leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and at peace.

Book your session with Carla Mary today and allow us to take you on a journey to utmost tranquility.

What precautions should be taken when seeking prenatal massage?

 As with any therapeutic approach to pregnancy wellness, women should discuss massage with their prenatal care provider.

 Women with the following conditions should speak with a health care provider prior to receiving a massage or to avoid a massage:

  • High risk pregnancy

  • First trimester is a risk due to miscarriage. A doctors note would be required to massage.

  • Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)

  • Preeclampsia

  • Previous pre-term labor

  • Experiencing severe swelling, high blood pressure or sudden severe headaches.

  • Recently gave birth

  • Any regular contradictions of receiving a massage for non pregnant individuals.

In all cases, a pregnant or post-pregnant woman should always ask their doctor if massage therapy is recommended before seeking a massage therapist. In most cases, massage therapists require a physician's referral.


Please note that all clients will have to fill out a pregnancy form to have the massage done.