
Labradorite is not only a wonderful stone for light workers, but it also holds immense power and significance in the realm of spirituality. Its ability to provide strength and protection goes beyond what meets the eye. It has a profound connection with shamans, who are renowned for utilizing its energy to safeguard themselves during their journeys to other mystical realms. The intricate interplay between Labradorite and nature spirits is truly fascinating, as this crystal serves as a conduit for enhanced communication and understanding between humans and the ethereal beings that reside in the natural world. Moreover, Labradorite's calming properties make it an excellent ally in moments of stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to find solace and inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life. So, whether you are seeking to expand your spiritual horizons or seeking respite from the pressures of the modern world, Labradorite is undoubtedly a gemstone that deserves a special place in your collection.

Chakra:  Brow (Third Eye)
Vibrates to the numbers: 6 and 7
Astrological:   Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo
Angelic: Labradorite resonates to Archangel Raphael the Archangel of healing and love.
Element: Water
Psychic Wisdom, Promotes intellectual, intuitive, and mystical wisdom, calmness, intuition

Metaphysical Properties:
The FLASH, an ethereal gemstone, possesses a quality that transcends mere aesthetics. Much like a fleeting flash of light that pierces through the encompassing darkness, Labradorite serves as a beacon for unveiling one's spiritual purpose. This remarkable stone not only beckons you towards your destined path but also serves as a guide in harnessing and utilizing your innate psychic abilities with great wisdom, thereby safeguarding against potential misuse. You will find that the dream state becomes a portal of increased receptivity, where the profound insights and external knowledge effortlessly flow into your consciousness. Known to symbolize the divine abode of the stars, Labradorite endows us with the invaluable gifts of profound clarity and the wisdom derived from distant worlds and parallel universes. Its celestial energy opens up channels of enlightenment, allowing for profound exploration and growth on a cosmic level.

On an individual level, it brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world, and each other. The power of connection emerges as we offer our unique abilities and talents to support one another. Through the struggle, we discover resilience within ourselves and inspire hope in those who still face adversity. It is in our shared experiences that we find solace and understanding, creating a network of compassion to lift us up when we stumble. By reaching out a helping hand, we bridge the gap between suffering and healing, fostering a sense of community that thrives on empathy and care. Together, we become a testament to the human spirit's remarkable ability to persevere and transform even the darkest moments into beacons of light.

This remarkable stone possesses remarkable qualities for enhancing night vision, allowing individuals to perceive the world in a whole new light during the nocturnal hours. Not only does it effectively heighten visual acuity in darkness, but it also proves to be a valuable aid in the development of one's ability to perceive auras. Its unique properties enable individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, as they delve deeper into the realms of energy and consciousness. This stone's extraordinary capabilities make it an indispensable tool for those seeking to expand their sensory perception and unlock hidden realms of sight.

Self Esteem: Labradorite, with its mesmerizing iridescent beauty, holds the power to enhance your strength of will and instill a sense of unwavering belief in your own abilities. It serves as a guiding light, dispelling any lingering insecurities and anxieties that may arise, fostering a deep appreciation for your inherent worth as a spiritual being. Labradorite's enchanting energy gently embraces your soul, affirming that you are deserving of all the blessings and opportunities that come your way. As you embrace this powerful stone, you will witness a transformation within, where doubt gives way to confidence and apprehension transforms into a newfound self-assurance that radiates from within. No longer will you question your value, for you will stand tall and unwavering in the knowledge of just how divine and remarkable you truly are.

Creativity: Labradorite, with its mesmerizing iridescence and enchanting play of colors, has the ability to harmoniously merge the realms of intellectual thought and intuitive wisdom, resulting in a profound enhancement of discernment in every situation one may encounter. Beyond its captivating beauty, this remarkable gemstone possesses a unique power that ignites and nourishes the spark of creativity within us, urging us to think outside the box and explore untrodden paths. By fostering a deep connection with our inner selves, Labradorite inspires and empowers us to tap into our wellspring of original ideas and ingenious problem-solving skills.

Career: Brings patience, which leads to better focus and concentration. This stone enhances perseverance, aiding individuals in their pursuit of success and personal growth. Its calming energies provide an extra boost of motivation, supporting those who are facing a period of sustained work, such as students during exam time. Additionally, it serves as a powerful ally for individuals prone to overwork, helping them find balance amidst their busy schedules. With its ability to instill patience and enhance endurance, this stone becomes an invaluable companion on the path towards achieving goals and maintaining a steady work pace.