Aromatherapy Massage

Experience True Healing and Restoration with Aromatherapy Massage

In today's fast-paced world, finding solace and reclaiming our physical and mental well-being has become essential. Aromatherapy massage, a luxurious practice that merges the power of touch with the healing properties of essential oils, offers a sanctuary of tranquility and rejuvenation. With its slow, gentle, and rhythmic movements, known as effleurage, this type of massage is not only a potent therapy for recovery but also a preventative measure for sustaining optimal health.

At its core, aromatherapy massage combines the art of touch with the therapeutic benefits of carefully selected essential oils. These oils, skillfully blended into the massage oil or lotion, work harmoniously to provide a holistic healing experience. By targeting the muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems, this powerful therapy has the ability to influence and improve overall wellbeing.

The muscular system, often plagued by tension, fatigue, and injury, finds respite in the gentle touch of aromatherapy massage. The slow, deliberate movements of effleurage release muscle tension, easing knots and promoting relaxation. When combined with the stimulating properties of essential oils, muscle recovery is further enhanced, allowing individuals to regain their strength and vitality.
Furthermore, the circulatory system receives considerable benefits from this unique form of massage. As the skilled therapist engages in effleurage movements, blood circulation increases, carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body. This restoration of circulation helps to alleviate ailments such as poor blood circulation, swelling, and edema, promoting overall cardiovascular health.

The immune system, housed within the lymphatic system, also plays a vital role in our well-being. Through the application of aromatherapy massage, the lymphatic system is stimulated, encouraging the removal of toxins and waste products. This enhanced lymphatic flow effectively supports the immune system, strengthening our body's natural defenses and preventing illness before it takes hold.

Last but not least, the nervous system greatly benefits from the therapeutic combination of touch and essential oils. In our chaotic and demanding lives, stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on our overall health. However, aromatherapy massage provides a refuge from the clamor, allowing individuals to disconnect and find inner harmony. The soothing aromas of essential oils help to calm the mind, relieving stress and promoting a deep sense of relaxation. This serenity, in turn, allows the nervous system to restore and rejuvenate, leaving us refreshed and reinvigorated.

The essence of aromatherapy massage lies in its ability to heal, nurture, and prevent. This divine fusion of touch and essential oils offers a journey towards restoration, providing relief from tension, fatigue, and injury. Moreover, its powerful therapeutic benefits extend beyond physical recuperation, reaching deep into the core of our being. As we embrace this sacred practice, we tap into the transformative power of aromatherapy, discovering a path to lifelong wellness.

Aromatherapy massage is a unique and holistic approach to relaxation and healing. By combining the power of touch with the therapeutic benefits of essential oils, this type of massage offers a deeply rejuvenating experience for both the body and mind.

During an aromatherapy massage, the therapist carefully selects essential oils based on the needs and preferences of the client. These essential oils are then added to a carrier oil, creating a customized blend that enhances the massage experience. The scents of the essential oils not only add a pleasant and soothing aroma to the massage, but their chemical compounds also have specific therapeutic properties that can promote healing and well-being.

The massage technique used in aromatherapy massage is known as effleurage, which involves slow, gentle, and rhythmic movements. These movements are designed to h.elp the muscles relax and release tension, allowing for a deeper sense of relaxation and tranquility. The therapist's hands, combined with the nourishing properties of the essential oils, work in harmony to soothe the body and calm the mind.

In addition to promoting relaxation, an aromatherapy massage can have various health benefits. The lymphatic system, responsible for detoxification and immune function, can be stimulated through the massage technique, helping the body naturally eliminate toxins and boost the immune response. Aromatherapy massage can also relieve water retention, reduce muscle soreness, and alleviate stress-related conditions, providing a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

Overall, aromatherapy massage combines the healing powers of touch and essential oils to create a truly indulgent and therapeutic experience. By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of wellness, this form of massage can help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation, release tension, and restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

At Carla Mary, we understand the profound benefits that aromatherapy massage can have on the body and mind. It is not simply a luxury indulgence, but a powerful therapeutic tool that nurtures and heals the body. Whether you are recovering from tension, fatigue, or injury, or simply seeking to maintain your overall health, aromatherapy massage is a valuable preventative therapy.
The key to the effectiveness of this treatment lies in the combination of touch and essential oils. The power of touch has long been recognized for its therapeutic qualities, and when combined with the healing and balancing properties of essential oils, it becomes even more effective. The use of essential oils in massage allows for a deeper penetration into the body, bringing about a holistic healing effect.

But how does aromatherapy massage actually work? It operates through our sense of smell, which is closely connected to a part of the brain known as the limbic system. This system not only controls our emotions but also influences our nervous system and hormones. Therefore, when we inhale essential oils, the messages are sent directly to the limbic system, affecting various bodily functions such as heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion, and even the immune system.

In addition to inhalation, essential oils are also absorbed through the skin during a massage. This allows the therapeutic properties of the oils to be directly applied to different systems of the body. The muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems are particularly impacted by the therapeutic use of essential oils and massage. Tight and tense muscles can be relaxed, blood circulation can be improved, the immune system can be boosted, and the nervous system can be calmed.

At Carla Mary, we recognize that the combination of touch and essential oils creates a synergy that enhances the therapeutic benefits of both. Our expert therapists are trained to understand the unique properties of each essential oil and tailor the treatment to suit your specific needs. So whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments or simply looking to relax and rejuvenate, our aromatherapy massage can provide the healing and nurturing experience you deserve.

Experience the power of touch and the healing properties of essential oils with Carla Mary's aromatherapy massage. Your body and mind will thank you

Benefits of aromatherapy massage and is suitable for

Aromatherapy massage is beneficial to conditions involving stress and or improving emotionally related conditions.

Acute and chronic conditions

Physical and sports injuries

Preventative and maintenance therapy

Skin conditions

Sleep disorders

Sluggish metabolism

Stress and stress related conditions such as insomnia


Digestive disorders


Back pain

Relaxes, balances and harmonizes the body.

Reduces stress.

Strengthens the entire body and supports the body in its own healing process.

Encourages a healthy immune system to fight infection.

Helps you to maintain a good general health by relieving the body of toxins. Rejuvenates and relaxes the body, mind and spirit.

Healing properties of essential oils - just to name a few of the many that are available.

calming – chamomile, lavender, geranium

uplifting – ylang ylang, clary sage, rose, neroli

energizing – rosemary

cleansing – rosemary

decongesting – eucalyptus, pine, tea tree

What to expect during the first session? First you will be consulted with a questionnaire on what you are experiencing. Then one or more essential oils are selected based on what you need and what will be mixed in the massage oil or lotion.

Benefits from the session:

Relaxes, balances and harmonizes the body.

Reduces stress.

Strengthens the entire body and supports the body in its own healing process.

Encourages a healthy immune system to fight infection.

Helps you to maintain a good general health by relieving the body of toxins.

Rejuvenates and relaxes the body, mind and spirit.

Aromatherapy massage can have short-term benefits on psychological well-being and a positive effect in reducing anxiety. Evidence is mixed as to whether aromatherapy enhances the effects of massage.


Massage is not recommended for certain people:

infectious skin disease, rash, or open wounds

immediately after surgery

immediately after chemotherapy or radiation, unless recommended by your doctor

prone to blood clots. There is a risk of blood clots being dislodged.

If you have heart disease, check with your doctor before having a massage epilepsy high blood pressure hypoglycemia

kidney problems

suffered from deep vein thrombosis

Certain medications might also be affected by essential oils, including antibiotics, antihistamines, sedatives and anti-epileptic drugs. Check with your therapist before booking your treatment.

Some oils, particularly citrus ones (such as orange, lemon and bergamot), react with ultraviolet light and can cause your skin to burn more easily.

Ask your therapist for advice before exposing yourself to the sun. Watch what you eat and drink beforehand some essential oils, such as clary sage, don't go well with alcohol and could make you feel sick. Have a glass of wine after your treatment, not before!

Pregnant women should check with their doctor first if they are considering getting a massage.

Massage should not be done directly over bruises, inflamed skin, unhealed wounds, tumors, abdominal hernia, or areas of recent fractures.